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To My Monsters

Dear Painful Monsters,

I see you, I hear you but you hurt me. You remind me of times I wish to forget. You've caused me to say things I don't mean, to push people away that love me and that I want to keep close. You made me a monster. You made me want everything bad for me and nothing good. You made me wish for awful things when all I want deep down is love and hope.

You're scared, you're hurt, and you have been for a long time. I can't ignore you anymore. You do serve a purpose. You help me protect my purest soul. You can't control everything and overcome me with anger and pain. Not anymore. It doesn't work. I am not on the bottom. I will not lose. You were in survival mode. You did what you had to do to get out and survive. I respect you, I don't judge you as others do. I appreciate you but you don't have control anymore, I do. I will listen to you and comfort you because it really will be okay. It's okay not to be okay, it's part of life. Shit happens but we move on. I am letting go as painful as it is and I am loving, not angry. I can be angry and loving.

I can hold space for you when others can't. I can love and care for you when no one else can. I can tell you there's hope and love all around us. I can let you motivate me without you controlling me. My heart will always be love and my intentions will always be pure and good. I love you and respect you as much as you hurt me and those I love. It will be okay, we can coexist and work together. I believe in us.

With Compassion,

My Wise Mind


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